Posted on 7:24 PM by Wanto and filed under
By Gaetano Williams

The answer to real enthusiasts faced with any or even all of these drawbacks is to experiment with plants until the types are found which will tolerate the poor conditions. In future pages some indication will be given of plants that will stand domestic gas in 'the atmosphere, poor light conditions, cold, dryness or any other factor which will inhibit the healthy growth of certain other plants.

This is, of course, stretching the definition to its farthest range and although it gives some idea of the scope of house plants and the activity of indoor gardening, it will be more helpful to be somewhat more precise.

A practical breakdown of this sweeping definition is to divide house plants into permanent and temporary house plants.

The permanent plants are those that will live indoors under normal home conditions for long periods and the temporary plants are those which can be brought indoors from garden, store or greenhouse and will live or look their best only for a limited period, either because of their nature or because they will not tolerate home conditions for long.

Yet one of the fascinations of indoor plant growing is that even those who cannot grow house plants still like to try to constantly seek the elusive secret, asking eagerly how often their ivy should be watered and with what quantity, which foods are the best, what temperature and aspect is most likely to be successful.

Some of the temporary plants must be treated like a bunch of cut flowers and thrown out when they have passed their best, but others can be planted out in the garden where they will recover and flower again next year, or perhaps given a convalescent period in a greenhouse to bring them back to splendor.

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